Android Malware Analysis - null Security Community Meetup Talk

Being a security enthusiast, I had a good opportunity to talk on one of my interesting subject in mobile security: Android Malware Analysis at the null Open Security Community September 2014 Meetup held at SICSR (Symbiosis Institute of Computer Studies and Research), Pune.

Meetup Agenda:

10:00 am to 10:10 am
10:10 am to 10:45 am
News Bytes by Sneha Rajguru
10:45 am to 11:15 am
Android Malware Analysis by Shubham Aher
11:15 am to 12:00 pm
Secure coding in PHP  by Sneha Rajguru
12:00 pm to 12:15 pm
Feedback & Topic Discussion for Next Month meet
This was my first talk at null Meetup and I really enjoyed interacting with all the other inquisitive and like-minded security enthusiasts and professionals.

Alongwith the presentation, my talk required analyzing a couple of real-world Android malwares and demoing a few code snippets from these. So here are the download links for all the material:

PowerPoint Presentation

Malware Samples Analyzed:
  1. Android.HippoSMS
  2. MouaBad.P
  3. Android.Beita
  4. Android.ScarePackage
  5. Android.Dendroid
  6. Android.Zitmo
Special Thanks to all the null Community Members and Volunteers for organizing this meetup. Looking forward to give more talks in the future.

About null - The Open Security Community :
null is India's largest open security community. Registered as a non-profit society in 2010, we have been active since even before that. null is about spreading information security awareness. All our activites such as null Monthly Meets, null Humla, null Bachaav, null Puliya, null Job Portal are for the cause of that.

null is Open, is professional, is inclusive, responsible and most importantly completely vounteer driven.

Any questions/comments/suggestions/criticisms, feel free to post.