10 years since my first blog

Yay ! I have officially completed more than 10 years as a blogger :P

Actually I completed it in the month of July 2022 itself but this is a latepost.

To be honest, in this tenure spanning a decade since I wrote my first article, I have been more of a “blogreader” than a “blogwriter”.

My first blogpost was a Java reverse engineering tutorial (and series) followed by more blogposts on Windows and Android RCE.

This was the time during which Google Blogger was already old enough and popular as a traditional blogging platform.

So the stats for these 10 years are as follow :

  1. I wrote 16 posts i.e. on average 1.6 articles per year. Wait ! Didnt you read my shameless “Lazy Blogger” self-declaration on the left sidebar ?

  2. Out of total 16 posts, 4 of them are in the process of being recovered from my expired hosting space. Again ! Being lazy here to reconstruct these 4 articles.

  3. Also, 1 article out of total 16 is missing “pictures” due to same incident of my expired hosting space. Guessed ? Now you know the lazy blogger in me.

  4. In these 10 years I have used 3 blog engines. Another blogpost some other day on this soon !

I hope I will write some more blogs !